0,00€ sin IVA
In this session you can learn firsthand what Mindfulness is and how it is practiced, through our free introductory sessions. In them we combine theoretical aspects with practical exercises so that you get a well-formed idea of what the practice of Mindfulness can offer you, as well as its benefits. Expert and qualified instructors will show you how with Mindfulness we will learn to be aware of how we think, of our internal processes, our emotions and feelings, aware of how we move, how we feel and how we respond and react to the complexity of each moment of our lives daily.
It is free but it is necessary to register here, by writing to hola@rinconmind.org or by calling 664645465. The sessions will only be held with a minimum of 10 people, so if this number is not registered for a session, the interested parties will be informed and will propose your registration for a next session.
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